Professional Translators and 翻译s Connect Us to Our World

当你关心你的客户, want to take your message to the next level, 并致力于质量, the language professional you need is an ATA member.


ATA members are ready for any challenge with the support of a collaborative community, 有效的教育, 以及营销协助.


To succeed in today's competitive economy, you need specialized knowledge and an inside track. Being a member of an ATA division is a great way to meet these practical needs of your business.



节省金融服务, 责任保险, 软件, 培训项目, 教育课程, 和更多的.



作为一个志愿者驱动的组织, member participation is the strength behind ATA’s activities and 事件. ATA offers many ways to get involved, get connected, and give back.



ATA promotes the recognition of professional translators and interpreters and shows clients the value of your services.



ATA established its certification program in 1973 to provide a framework for recognizing professional-quality work. Learn more about the program, its history, and ongoing commitment to achieve its goals. 了解更多!

观看考试概览, 它测试什么, 如何评分, 如何准备, 以及如何注册.

Are you looking for assistance in translating a document into another language?

Our extensive language directory comprises of more than 7,000 translators and interpreters ready to assist you. You can easily find individuals and organizations based on criteria such as language translation, ATA永利登录网址, 位置, 和更多的. 只需点击一下即可获得帮助!


We’ve heard from several members who have reported an increase in scam email. This is a very common occurrence with non-profit associations but has been happening a lot more this week.



Stay updated on the latest developments in the language industry and witness how ATA influences the translation and interpreting professions through advocacy, 永利登录网址, 还有有影响力的新闻.


Read by more than 10,000 people in 100 countries, ATA编年史 offers resources and practical solutions to challenges facing translators and interpreters, as well as member news and announcements.  



ATA members stay up-to-date with the increasing news coverage about the vital role translators and interpreters play in a global society through our twice-monthly e-newsletter. This informative newsletter provides comprehensive media coverage from around the world, 专注于自己的职业. Stay informed and connected with the latest developments in the language industry!




Join host Matt Baird for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at ATA's programs, 事件, 未来的计划. Discover the hard work and dedication of our amazing volunteers who bring it all to life. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the heart of ATA and the people who make it happen.

The 美国儿童基金会 笔译和口译 (AFTI)

AFTI promotes the interest of supporting professional translators and interpreters by gifting awards and scholarships, 支持慈善活动,  进行研究资助.

AFTI is a 501(c)(3) foundation affiliated with the 永利登录网址.


Your donation helps supports charitable activities, 教育, and research in support of the translation and interpreting professions.

.AFTI promotes this objective by bestowing awards and scholarships, as well as sponsoring conference attendance and presentations.

Scan the QR Code to make a donation


How to Listen Listen to episodes here on our website or on the podcast app of your choice. Subscribe to ATA播客 to get new episodes as they are…



Reach more customers With marketing support, 成员联系, 以及社交机会, you can reach more customers and grow your business. 语言服务目录 Promote your services 24/7 in a leading…



准备ATA65! 不管你说什么语言, 专业, 或者经验水平, you’ll discover ways to enhance your skills and grow your business. 看看ATA65在…



什么是ATA永利登录网址? Respected credential ATA certification is one of the industry’s most respected and recognized credentials for translators. It is also the only widely recognized measure of competence…



Start Your Search ATA’s 语言服务目录 includes more than 7,000 individuals and companies offering professional translation and interpreting services. Search Individuals A freelance translator or interpreter can give you…



The demand for translators and interpreters continues to grow. Become part of a community that supports your goals as a language professional.